The guys over at Trek Movie have really managed to get themselves deeply embedded in the production of the new Star Trek movie. At least as deeply embedded as the ridiculously secretive production is going to let anyone get. They aren’t exactly fan friendly so far, are they? Star Trek really should have it’s own But the TrekMovie boys do their best, and they managed to get Star Trek co-writer and exec producer Robert Orci to show up and interact with fans on their site. Orci answered at least some of the questions we all still have, though the trailer cleared up some of the big ones. For instance we now know they aren’t painting the Enterprise pink and putting it on rollerskates. Most of what Orci was able to add to the Trek equation was actually pretty encouraging, especially if you’re a Trek fan… which I am. Here’s a few of the highlights: Don’t expect a new, full trailer to replace the meager little teaser trailer we have now until sometime in mid-summer. Too long to wait if you ask me. They’re shooting for a PG-13 rating. They are trying to use real sets and location shoots instead of lame green screen as much as possible. A full on image of the Enterprise will be released to us fanboys soon. Greg Grunberg is busy on something else, and won’t get his cameo. Making of documentaries are being shot… but don’t expect to be allowed to see them until after the film is released, probably as part of a DVD set. Basically, what it all boils down to is Abrams is going to tease the hell out of this thing until he’s Cloverfielded everyone again. I just hope that doesn’t mean Trek will have the same, massive, “over it” 68% second week dropoff at the box office. That’s just a few of the big points Orci made. For more surf over to our friends at TrekMovie, and while you’re there tell them to send some Trek awesomeness this fan’s way. Hey, I have Chris Pine’s autograph. Doesn’t that make him my best friend? While I wait around for Chris’s phone call, CanMag also had some good news on the Trek front. They spoke with Anton Yelchin, the guy playing young Pavel Chekov in the film. It seems that Yelchin, unlike some of the other cast members (Zachary Quinto in particular) is actually a fan of Trek. He talks a lot about how much he really enjoys the original series and says, “ “Would I ever have thought that I'd be on the Enterprise? No. It's pretty great.” While Quinto is over in the corner getting all method, it’s nice to know there will be at least one person on the Enterprise bridge who’s geeking out as much as we would. Yelchin also really seems to get Chekov, who let’s face it, was a pretty crazy character. If you’ve gone back and rewatched any of Chekov’s episodes recently, maybe in the remastered versions they’ve been running late-nights on the weekends, you know what I mean. But crazy in a good way. Yelchin gets that and says, “ “Chekov is the weirdest guy. Watching the old show really makes you realize just how strange, how incredible it was that they brought, first of all, a Russian character on right smack in the middle of the cold war. There's one scene where they're talking to Apollo or something, or the god that used to be Apollo in the old show. Apollo's like, 'I am Apollo!' and Chekov is like, 'And I am the czar of all Russias.' That's not how I choose to do the accent but they gave him these lines that he really is the weirdest, weirdest character so it's a lot of fun.”